Thursday, July 16, 2009

Sacrifice Beads and St. Therese

Hey People's!

I started making these sacrifice beads yesterday. We had in our possession i think 3 of them not knowing what they were. We assumed they were chaplet beads but I don't know how we found out they weren't. My Dad, my brother and myself recieved them from two girls from America at WYD08 in Sydney. I made a blue pair with a the medal of St. Therese the Little Flower and another naturasl wooden bead one with the Miraculous medal on it. They are soooooooo easy to make. Especially, the beading part.

Today is also the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel who appeared to Saint Simon Stock in 1251. She introduced the Brown Scapular to the world.

Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Pray for us!
Saint Simon Stock, Pray for Us!

Friday, July 10, 2009

St. Maria Goretti

Today was the traditional feast day of Saint Maria Goretti! What a pure and chaste saint! She is a great saint who all of us young teens should be praying to, especially in the Culture of Death today!! There is so much impure sins going on today, especially those displaying women on billboards and posters! You cannot even walk down the street today without looking at impure images!! Most advertisements have a woman or girl displaying the product the company is trying to sell! This is sad... We should be praying to St. Maria Goretti! What a girl to stand up to her faith!!
"It is a sin Alessandro, you will go to hell!" She would rather have died than do an impure sin with a man! Seriously, what would you do? Go into panic, scream for help, faint? The possiblities are endless. We can only pray to Maria to protect us from any harm or to stand up to sins like these! Didn't Our Lady say to the 3 Fatima children that impure fashions were to come about!

There is alot of immodesty and impurity in today's society, and we are the ones to stand up and fight against it, even of that means we die for the Faith, just as St. Maria Goretti did! We must remain together as one, to fight against this sin of the world and the Culture of Death. It all starts in this generation of teen girls, us! This is something we ought to think about....

St Maria Goretti, Pray for Us

Our Lady of Fatima, Pray for Us

Updated my Website and Purity Rings

Hey Everyone!

I just updated my website on webs! Check it out and write a comment!

The other day I bought a beautiful song called With This Ring, by Amanda Vernon. It is about her wearing a purity ring! That got me thinking that maybe I should really get one! It would be nice if I had a reminder to save my body for my future husband. One of our families favourite priests does a ceremony for the True Love Waits, so I think I will do that, although you have to be 16! I am still thinking about wearing one now anyways....
God Bless,


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Month of the Precious Blood

Hey!! Well I haven't written anything in a LONG time! I have been so busy with my exams and school! I did pretty well and topped the class in HSIE (Australian History) and Elective History and came equal 2nd in my Science Class, with two of my buddies! On the 1st of July was the feast of the Precious Blood, it was also my cousins birthday (I would love to have a birthday on a special feast like that!) I never really knew anything about the Precious Blood. One of our close family friends lent mum a book about the Devotion to the Precious Blood. Here are a few excerts from the book:

"...Veneration of the Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ is a devotion as old as our Holy Faith..."

"... In Holy Communion, all recieve the Flesh and Blood of Jesus Christ as a pledge of Life Eternal. True Catholics must venerate the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ unto the End of the World..."

"...One of the best means of participating in the graces and blessings of the Precious Blood is to offer it to the Eternal Father..."

"... Resolve to say the following little prayer every morning and evening:

O Holy and Immaculate Virgin Mary, offer to the Eternal Father the Precious Blood of thy Divine Son for the intention that one mortal sin may be prevented this day (or this night)..."

This book is called Devotion to the Precious Blood by Tan Books. I never really thought about the Precious Blood that much, maybe this month and in the future I will focus on the Precious blood alot more! I thought it was quite amazing that if the Precious Blood is spilt at Mass, the procedure to clean it up was quite extraordinary. It can be cleaned off the floor with a linen, than the linen soaked in a pan of water and laundered as usual. The pan of water is than poured out onto the Earth! I didn't realise that it was that long, I suppose I never really thought about it! It is amazing how much respect the priest shows towards the Precious Blood. The picture is of Christ of Limpias...