Saturday, August 15, 2009

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Today is the Feast of The Assumption. My family and I went to Mass this morning. It is actually the only Holy Day of Obligation in Australia! I was invited to go to the Old Rite mass for the feast where my best friend was singing but my Mother dearest needed my help because my Dad is up north attending a Wedding!

Since the fifth century the Church has held implicitly the belief on the Assumption of the Blessed Mother, body and soul, into Heaven. It can be deduced from the Liturgy, from pious documents and the writings of the Fathers and the Doctors of the Church. The Dogma was promulgated by Pius the XII on November 1st, 1950.
God Bless,

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Dear and Glorious Physician, A Novel about St. Luke

Hi Everyone!

I just finished reading, about a week ago, the absolute best book in the entire universe of the world!!! Dear and Glorious Physician by Taylor Caldwell, is such a great book. It is about the life of Saint Luke, or in his time, Lucanus, adopted son of the noble tribune Diodorus Cyrinus. It is basically a biography of his life. He was the only Gospel writer to have never met or seen Our Lord. He travelled all over Greece, Rome and finally to the Holy Land were he personally spoke to Mary, the Mother of Jesus, the Apostles James and John. He was a handsome man, some say he was Apollo himself. He decided to dedicate himself to work among the poor as a physician. He had a healing power and would you believe it, he was an Atheist! He cursed God and hated him, until his conversion! He started hating God after his derest friend, the young Rubria died, but I will not ruin the stroy any more!! I read this book in about two days and it is approx. 1 and a half inches thick! I cried in it a few times, because it can get very emotional! I recommend to teenagers! A must read for all...