Saturday, June 6, 2009

Saint Tarcisius

Even though it is not his feast day any time soon, I still think he is closely associated with the Blessed Sacrament. He was a twelve year old acolyte and live during the third century. He was the boy martyr of the Eucharist. To read more go to:

It's funny to think that nearly the whole congregation will go up to Holy Communion on a Sunday Mass and yet the lines for Confession are reduced to about 3 or 4. Do people think they are so perfect for Jesus that they could go up and receive Him or are they a little afraid of telling all their sins to a priest, or even (this is quite sad really) it's not "cool" to be seen in the line up for confession! I know a few people, 3 teenagers in particular, in my congregation that have not been to Confession and go to Holy Communion every Sunday. I just pray for them. For them it would be seen as "uncool", but Jesus thinks it is cool, and thats all that matters because he was the one who instituted the Sacrament of Confession.

"Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained..." Jn 20:23

And what am I saying, it's really Jesus in the confessional, acting through the priest. Why would you not want to go and kneel before the Almighty God and have your sins forgiven? Which leads me to another thing, why is it week in and week out, it is always the same handful of people going to Adoration and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament? Who would not want to go to see the Creator of Heaven and Earth who keeps you in existance at this very moment!? As our Lord says:

"Could You not keep watch for one hour..." Mk 14:37

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